
Sesame Chutney Powder

(8 customer reviews) 35 sold

170.00 185.00

Ingredients: Sesame, red chilli, garlic, and common salt.

BMP Tips: Served along with roti or chapati, also enjoy with little oil / ghee, or curd or with rice, dosa or idli and vada.

Storage: Store in a cool dry place, once opened transfer to an airtight container, and use dry spoons.

Consume Before 01 Month From Date Of Packaging

  • 5 business days delivery
  • Free delivery above RS 1000/-

170.00 185.00

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Sesame (Sesamum indicum): Sesame seeds have many potential health benefits and have been used in folk medicine and in Indian food for hundreds of years. They may protect against heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. However, you may need to eat significant amounts — a small handful per day — to gain health benefits. It is good source of fibres, proteins,  lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing blood pressure, support health of bones, reduces inflammation, promotes blood formation, regulates blood glucose, reduces risk of chronic diseases, supports immunity building and health of thyroid, regulates hormone balance during menopause, soothe arthritic knee pain. Sesame seed is high in protein, vitamin B1, dietary fibre as well as an excellent source of phosphorous, iron, magnesium calcium, manganese, copper, and zinc, in addition to these important nutrients, also contain two unique substances, sesamin and sesamolin.



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